What is your background?
I have been teaching for around 10 years. I spent around eight years teaching in inner-city Melbourne and also had the opportunity to work with the VCAA (Victorian Curriculum Assessment Authority) where I trained Victorian teachers in the new Victorian syllabus with a special focus on the capabilities such as Ethics and Critical and Creative Thinking.
I grew up close to Byron (Bogangar/Cabarita Beach) and I have just moved back home after living and traveling abroad and interstate off and on for around 20 years. Now I am home, I spend my time reading, camping and being outdoors, practising yoga, going to music gigs and other events with friends, and spending time with family and my dog.
What do you remember best about primary school?
I remember wanting to colour outside the lines - literally and figuratively! I loved choir and I remember I loved hands on learning. I also loved Science with Mr Hunter who wore socks with sandals: my favourite activity was when we grew salt crystals.
Where else have you worked and how has it shaped your general outlook and your approach to teaching children today?
In Melbourne I developed a real passion for philosophy for children, I also developed my knowledge and skills in cross-curriculum, differentiated, student-centred, and inquiry-based learning. I believe in learning that sparks students’ curiosity and helps them find engagement and passion for learning. I believe students should be active agents in their learning and the teacher’s role is that of a guide and facilitator.
What are your main teaching and classroom philosophies?
Inquiry-based learning, student-centred learning, constructivist learning
Embedding the capabilities and cross-curriculum priorities
Cross-curriculum learning
Differentiation with rigour
What/why do you enjoy teaching at BCPS?
I love the inclusive, communal feel and energy of the environment. Everyone is so warm, kind and respectful of one another. The students, families and staff are all beautiful people. I am very grateful to now be a part of this amazing community.
What do you enjoy teaching the most?
Art (of course), literacy with a capabilities lens, Maths and other inquiry-based learning.
What is your greatest achievement?
Professional - working with Professor Bill Lucas and Melbourne University on the ’Teaching Creative Thinking’ and assessment project where we focused on the skills and attributes children will need not only for learning but as global citizens.
What aspirations still lie ahead of you?
I hope to continue to explore the ways in which we can create learning opportunities that are engaging and allow students to develop connected conceptual knowledge and skills.
If you weren’t a primary teacher, how do you think you’d be spending your days?
I think I would continue my training as a yoga teacher, work in art therapy, or work in the wellbeing industry.