

BCPS was established in 1988 in one tiny classroom on the corner of Ruskin and Tennyson Streets Byron Bay.  Later, the school grew into four classrooms, with a library and a music room.

Although the school was small it still had big ideas, with a dedicated teaching staff and school community who valued education both in the classroom and in the wider community.  Many of the activities that the students participate in now, like the Becoming a Teenager program, camps and making authentic community connections started way back then.

Family participation and involvement in the school has always been valued. In the early days, parents(s) and guardian(s),

staff and students would parade around the town with lanterns on our annual Lantern evening, with only one lantern ever catching alight! We still celebrate the Winter Solstice with lanterns, singing and our famous hot pot night. It remains one of our most revered school events by the BCPS community.

More recently, we have undertaking significant renovations and added classrooms and a new hall, including a purpose built visual arts space, a recording studio and an administration and amenities block.  We aim to continue our reputation as ‘a small school doing big things’.

In 2018 BCPS celebrated 30 years and the school continues to grow and evolve.
